Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Wednesday Notes
10:50 p.m. / 22:50
Hopefully as I get back to business as usual I can provide higher quality blog posts. Don't hold you're breath though; I won't be held responsible for what happens if you do. I want the next interruption to my general routine to be less like getting sick and more like my fabulous weekend at a big cabin with friends.
I finished reading Ruffles and Drums by Betty Cavanna. I liked it but not like I remember loving Accent on April and The Scarlet Sail. I'm tempted to re-read those now since they're short little books. It's more likely that I'll start in on one of the books in the stack that was waiting for me at work today. So, it will be Luck Be a Lady by Cathie Linz, Wicked Appetite by Janet Evanovich or, a rare nonfiction selection, Running the Books: The Adventures of an Accidental Prison Librarian by Avi Steinberg.