Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cream Soup Casseroles Queen

11: 25 p.m. / 23:25

I'm going to become the Cream Soup Casseroles Queen. I've been in charge of green bean casserole for my family for years now. Last Easter I made broccoli casserole (a longtime standard in evilducky77's family) for Mr. Bitter's family. It was such a hit I think I've committed to making it for all future holidays, including tomorrow, that I celebrate with his family, or at least his dad's part of the family. I actually have a recipe for green bean casserole from scratch but I'd rather try it out sometime when I don't actually need to take it to a celebration. My family is... well sort of easy-going but I fear what might happen if I mess with their green bean casserole. So anyway, while others are Queen of Pies from Scratch or something cool like that, for now I'm Cream Soup Casseroles Queen.

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