Sunday, December 31, 2006


2:20 p.m. / 14:20

Two years in a row now I have made ornaments to give to my friends at Christmas. When people ask how I make them, I feel like I never give a very good explanation. So this year I took some quick photos while I was working on them to show what I do.

I start with these brown paper ball ornaments from a craft store.

They have to be painted white before I actually start decorating them.

Then I use a rather unscientific mixture of glue and water to paste on strips of colored tissue paper.

These two are almost done being papered.

This year I coated them with a clear varnish to make them shiny.

It's all very easy to do, but it takes a lot of time because the paint has to dry, and the tissue paper has to dry between layers, and then last the varnish has to dry.

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